Associate Dean of the College of Arts & Humanities
Timothy Chin
Associate Dean
North Library, 5th Floor; Room 5090
I bring to my role as Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities twenty plus years of experience as a faculty member in the CSUDH Department of English, including five and a half years as Chair. Although trained as a literary scholar, with expertise in African American, Caribbean, and American literatures, I have broad interest in and appreciation for the artistic and humanistic disciplines encompassed by the College. I believe strongly in the power of artistic expression in all of its forms—written, visual, musical, theater and dance, the digital arts—to enlarge our perception, stir our souls, and shape our world. I believe equally strongly in the ability of the Humanities—the analytical precision and ethical attentiveness enabled by History, Philosophy, Literary and Language Studies, Ethnic and Gender Studies, Communications, Interdisciplinary Studies, Labor and Peace Studies—to not only help us understand the world we live in, but also to make it a better place. My goals as Associate Dean are to advocate for the values and mission of the College, serve the students who have chosen to make their academic home in our various departments and programs, and forge productive working relationships with fellow administrators and staff. My main areas of responsibility include student petitions, student registration and enrollment issues, college-level advising, facilities and space issues, New Student Orientation, supporting key initiatives of the Dean’s Office, and serving as liaison between the College and various administrative units within the University.