Shared Governance

Shared Governance in the College of Education

The College of Education is committed to shared governance and transparency in its operations and decision making. Our bylaws are meant to guide the shared governance of the College of Education. They reflect our vision to prepare critical educators to co-create and enact transformative change and to create humanizing policies and processes as we do our shared work. They are the foundation of our mission to construct brave spaces that foster the holistic development of educators, allow us to challenge and dismantle systems of power and privilege in institutions of education (including our own), and re-imagine equitable, responsive, and just learning experiences for all learners, especially those from minoritized groups within our college and in our local schools. 

The 2024-25 College of Education Committee Rosters

College Council Meetings

Agendas will be posted within 48 hours before each meeting and minutes will be posted two weeks after the meeting. For Agendas & Minutes from prior years please contact Miguel Terán López, Assistant to the Dean & College Communications Lead, at

College Council Meetings [2022-2023]   (Dropbox password : 1490)

College Council Meetings [2021-2022]   (Dropbox password : 1490)

College Council Meetings [2020-2021]   (Dropbox password : 1490)

COE Budget Report [2019-2020]   (Dropbox password : 1490)

College Policies

COE Bylaws

COE Honorarium Policy

COE Organizational Chart

COE Equitable Standards for Clinical Practice

COE ESCP Student Commitment Form