Computer Technology Programs

Computer Technology forms the technological infrastructure of modern commerce. It’s the driving force of every industry and permeates everyday life. The ability to combine the power of computing with the management of multimedia information is arguable the key to obtaining ascendancy in any field. Computer Technology is an ever-evolving, expanding field. The proposed Computer Technology Program will provide students with the background, knowledge and skills they’ll need to adapt to the dynamic nature of the marketplace. Program faculty will consist of traditional academics as well as industry professionals in order to provide curricular content that is on the cutting edge of industry trends. The BACT degree provides a high quality degree program in computer technology that will prepare students for lifelong learning as they pursue professional careers in computer technology and leadership roles in the society in which they serve. It provides our students with a strong foundation base, state-of-the-art techniques, methodologies, and tools to specify, design and develop technology-based solutions to complex system problems. This program prepares our students to communicate well, both orally and in wiring, on moral and ethical development, in knowledge of the liberal arts, and on commitment to services to others. CT provides opportunities for students to contribute to the body of knowledge that serves the profession, by engaging in activities which support their interests and are in agreement with the goals and objectives of the College and the University.

more info : Bachelor of Arts in Computer Technology